Current National Office Holders
Stewart Smith
National President
Stewart Smith
National President
I grew up in Christchurch where I met my wife. We have two daughters who are both at high school now, and keeping us very busy. I am a Medical Laboratory Scientist working in Canterbury at the Hospital Laboratory. My specialty is Immunology and I find the challenge stimulating even though it is more than 20 years since I qualified. I enjoy the challenges of the job and am strongly motivated to ensure that medical laboratory workers in diagnostic laboratories are valued for our work and that Medical Laboratory Science has a bright future in NZ.
Dr Kevin Ellyett
National Vice President
Dr Kevin Ellyett
National Vice President
Dr Deborah Powell
National Secretary
Dr Deborah Powell
National Secretary
Deborah holds the overall management responsibility for the office with a particular interest in Collective Employment Negotiations and Personal Grievances. She represents health practitioners in claim situations with both employers and individuals. She holds a BSc from Victoria University and a Bachelor of Medicine & Bachelor of Surgery from University of Auckland.
Pam Aitken
National Treasurer
Pam Aitken
National Treasurer
My name is Pam Aitken. I am married with 2 kids. I trained at Unitec back when the course campus was in Point Chevalier in Auckland. I was in the class of 2000, and graduated in November 2002. At that time, we had to remain as students throughout the summer holidays until the MRTB received all our paperwork from Unitec, and then we got back-paid since it was clear we passed and were qualified. I worked all of one midnight shift before being asked to join the theatre roster, which consisted on evening shifts and oncall afterward for DCCM/ICU new admissions, and the odd acute theatre case. I worked in this environment for approximately 2 years before I was offered a training position in CT. It was around this time that I was seconded into helping out as a delegate for ADHB. I had no idea what a steep learning curve I was about to participate in! I have been through the worst of times (strike action and 2nd wave vs 1st wave – finally a MECA) and I have been part of the good times, which has seen true progression of our terms and conditions. I have experienced positive collaboration through our workstreams and MRTAC and our union delegate training conference days held biannually. I trained in angiography in 2007 and became dual-modality trained – I was super flexible! In amongst all this my partner and I had our 2 kids, and after another 7 years and some stabs at post-grad training I was offered the role of temporary Clinical Specialist for Emergency Radiology (I was looking to secure less evenings and less oncall). This fitted in perfectly with my need to regain my life/work balance – I had a young family! My current role is to provide support and teaching – mostly for our students, but for qualified staff also. We went DR at the end of 2015 and I had to ensure all staff were trained/orientated to the new equipment. We also got a Cone Beam OPG machine for which I have created protocols and training checklists to ensure staff feel comfortable and confident. Like most ED departments, we are at the mercy of the public: patients present to ED and get triaged, nurse specialists request x-rays, and we have to ensure justification for each and every examination requested — no easy feat. Doctors/nurses don’t/can’t wait for private x-rays to be sent, asking for joint above and below the actual injury! You name it, we experience it, and challenge it EVERY DAY! I pride myself on trying to instil a level of confidence in our young MRTs – yet my underlying message is communication and collaboration. We MRTs know our side of the frustrations, but I cannot imagine what the doctors go through!
Current National Executive
The National Executive comprises the National Office Holders (above) plus all Divisional Presidents.
Fintan Marshall
President, Anaesthetic Techs
Fintan Marshall
President, Anaesthetic Techs
Rajeev Kumar
President, Clinical Physiologists
Rajeev Kumar
President, Clinical Physiologists
Jackie Keenan
President, Dietitians
Jackie Keenan
President, Dietitians
Bryan Raill
President, Medical Laboratory Workers
Bryan Raill
President, Medical Laboratory Workers
Hi I’m Bryan Raill, somewhat of a fixture on the National Executive (since 1994). I was born in the place where cheese and rugby were invented – Taranaki. I was a little bit of a later starter as a MLS, becoming a trainee at age 30 after varied working experiences: fisherman, barman/wine steward, dishwasher, pie-maker, scrub-cutter, and construction worker in the Think Big projects. I’m now in my 26th year in our profession, employed at CMDHB as a section head in Biochemistry. The pace of technical change and advance, as well as a great team, keeps the job interesting and challenging – and enjoyable. My work-life balance is enhanced by living free of the motorway and being able to go home for lunch in Auckland. Family, a teenage son, reading and a recent obsession with the history of my ancestors are some vices. My role on the Executive in maintaining, protecting and advancing our conditions is immensely rewarding – the quality and potential of the new MLS graduates and MLTs including phlebotomists that are attracted to our laboratories flows directly from all of the challenges and sheer hard work in bargaining.
Madeline Michelsen
President, Occupational Therapists
Madeline Michelsen
President, Occupational Therapists
Emily Jones
President, Pharmacists
Emily Jones
President, Pharmacists
Georgina Temple Robson
President, Physiotherapists
Georgina Temple Robson
President, Physiotherapists
Annmaree Kingi
President, Psychologists
Annmaree Kingi
President, Psychologists
Annmaree works as a Clinical Psychologist at Canterbury in the forensic setting. She has been an active member since 2012, involved in the MECA by supporting the then delegate. She was asked to become a delegate a few years later after being very involved in opposition to the attempt to make it mandatory for psychologists to be involved in physical restraints with patients. This was successfully challenged at mediation, and Annmaree became a delegate. Annmaree Kingi is now the interim President for the Psychologists' division.
Heather Campbell
President, Social Workers
Heather Campbell
President, Social Workers
I've lived in Whangarei for the past 25 years. Originally from Upper Hutt, I trained as an upholsterer and worked in this trade on and off for nearly 30 years. With a strong sense of what is right and fair, I retrained as a social worker where I initially worked in the community and now work on the medical wards at the Whangarei Hospital. The chaos of work is offset by living out of town on a small three acre property.
Vanessa Galloway
President, Sonographers
Vanessa Galloway
President, Sonographers
I have been a qualified sonographer for 17 years at both Auckland DHB and now at Counties Manukau. I became an APEX delegate in the early 2000s, and have been on the National Executive for the last four years. I’m actively involved in sonographer bargaining within the Auckland region; we’ve experienced some good results with bargaining for sonographers, including improvements to weekend rates and CME provisions.
Nadia Smith
President, Radiation Therapists
Nadia Smith
President, Radiation Therapists
Mark Ashburner
President, Medical Physicists
Mark Ashburner
President, Medical Physicists
Sheena Hewitt
President, MRTs
Sheena Hewitt
President, MRTs
Sheena qualified as an MRT in 1985 from the Christchurch School of Radiography. She then worked for two years at Kaitaia before moving to Hawkes Bay where she has worked for the HBDHB ever since. She is the DSA/Cardiac Cath Lab Team Leader and divides her time between there and general. Sheena has been an APEX delegate since 1998.
Donna Bartholomew
President, Dental Therapists
Donna Bartholomew
President, Dental Therapists
Alex Peterson
President, Perfusionists
Alex Peterson
President, Perfusionists
President, Biomedical Engineers
President, Biomedical Engineers
Michelle Masters
Vice President, Medical Laboratory Workers
Michelle Masters
Vice President, Medical Laboratory Workers
Erin Adams
Secretary, Dietitians
Erin Adams
Secretary, Dietitians
Rachel Roth
Secretary, Medical Laboratory Workers
Rachel Roth
Secretary, Medical Laboratory Workers
Leeann Keith
Secretary, Social Workers
Leeann Keith
Secretary, Social Workers
Christopher Mitchell
Secretary, Anaesthetic Techs
Christopher Mitchell
Secretary, Anaesthetic Techs
Emma Guglietta
Secretary, Clinical Physiologists
Emma Guglietta
Secretary, Clinical Physiologists
Jessica Lee
Secretary, Dental Therapists
Jessica Lee
Secretary, Dental Therapists
Danny Warren
Secretary, Medical Physicists
Danny Warren
Secretary, Medical Physicists
Em Edwards
Secretary, Psychologists
Em Edwards
Secretary, Psychologists
Christina Counsell
Secretary, Physiotherapists
Christina Counsell
Secretary, Physiotherapists
Emma Peplow
Secretary, Perfusionists
Emma Peplow
Secretary, Perfusionists
APEX Staff
Melissa Dobbyn
Melissa Dobbyn
Melissa has been with APEX since 2006. We attribute Melissa’s excellent organisational and communication skills to her previous work in the fashion industry, and to her two gorgeous daughters.
Sarah Barker
Sarah Barker
Sarah holds a BA in Political Studies and an MA in Social Policy. Her work with community organisations like the Grey Lynn Neighbourhood Law Office and Beneficiaries Advocacy and Information Services shaped her interest and skills in advocacy and organising for people power, all the while hoping for a socialist revolution to overcome the forces of neo-liberalism. Sarah began her career as a union organiser with the Service and Food Workers Union, later joining NZNO, and finally APEX in 2023. She is still waiting for the socialist revolution.
Denise Tairua
Denise Tairua
Denise has more than ten years experience working for the union and a wealth of experience in advocating for Allied Scientific and Technical workforces. Coming from a Medical laboratory background, Denise was first a union delegate before joining the APEX team full time. Whilst maintaining a particular passion for Medical laboratory Workers, she has more recently turned her focus to Pharmacy, Dietitians and Clinical Physiology.
Omar Hamed
Omar Hamed
Omar provides advice and representation for union members, particularly during collective bargaining, with individual matters and on health and safety issues. He has an LLB & MA (History) and joined us in 2016.
Samantha Mcleod
Samantha Mcleod
Sam joined our team in 2010 and now manages accounts and insurance administration. Before joining us, Sam served as Treasurer for Plunket after stepping back from her full-time career as an accountant to focus on raising her two lovely boys.
Holly Whittfield
Associate Advocate
Holly Whittfield
Associate Advocate
Holly entered the union advocacy world in early 2022 after completing a Bachelor of Applied Management and gaining experience in HR in the kiwifruit industry. Having worked in hospitality during her university years, Holly is no stranger to poor working conditions. Her time in HR further expanded the need for employee advocacy, especially as Covid continues to challenge workplaces. Rest and meal breaks, and safer hours remain two of her crucial ER focus points.
Sammy Heimsath
Associate Advocate
Sammy Heimsath
Associate Advocate
Sammy has been part of the APEX team since 2019. The majority of his time is spent advocating for the Medical Laboratory Workers division and he also has a keen interest in maintaining workers’ rights in respect to workplace Health & Safety.
Kauri Williams
Associate Advocate
Kauri Williams
Associate Advocate
Kauri joined us in 2023 after completing his Bachelor of Laws at AUT. Prior to commencing his studies, Kauri lived in remote Western Australia for 2 years, where he worked in aged care. With this background in residential aged care, he is interested in worker safety and upholding workers’ rights. Kauri organises the annual delegates conference, handles individual cases, and answers day-to-day queries.
Natalia D’Souza
Policy Advisor
Natalia D’Souza
Policy Advisor
In her role as Research and Policy Advisor, Natalia leverages her expertise to provide in-depth research analysis and a robust evidence base to advance the collective interests of ASTs. With an academic background – previously a Senior Lecturer – she has a strong research and personal interest in promoting healthy and decent work environments. Natalia holds a PhD in Management from Massey University and joined our team in 2024, bringing a passion for impactful research and policy development.
Jo Ingham
Jo Ingham
Jo has a Bachelor of Arts (majoring in History) / Bachelor of Laws conjoint degree from the University of Auckland. She joined us in 2023 after working for the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment as a Labour Inspector/Senior Labour Inspector for 15 years. While at MBIE, she was also a union delegate for 10 years. Given her work history, Jo has a particular interest in the Holidays Act 2003 and Holidays Act compliance.
Divya Varghese
Membership Officer
Divya Varghese
Membership Officer
Divya holds a Master’s Degree in Human Resource Management and was with Deloitte, India for three years. She later moved to New Zealand and worked with Health New Zealand – NRA before joining us in 2024. Currently she manages membership by processing applications and resignations, updating and maintaining records related to payments and other details in system.
Beth Vale
Beth Vale
Beth has vast administration experience in different industries, having started out in the hotel industry in Cape Town. She then spent 18 years with Kantar, also in Cape Town, and arrived in New Zealand in 2015. Here she worked for a mystery shopping company for 7 years before joining us in early 2024. Beth handles travel bookings, new delegates, Active choice, conference bookings, claims, posting and a host of other tasks.
Jono Woods
Jono Woods
Jono joined us in 2024 after completing his studies at AUT, where he majored in Event Management and minored in Entrepreneurship and Innovation. Jono works in accounts, data entry and management, and general administration.
Bill Manning
Legal Counsel
Bill Manning
Legal Counsel
Bill Manning is a barrister based in Auckland. He has had more than 20 years experience in civil litigation, working with Deborah and APEX on employment and industrial matters. For the last few months or so he has been a member of our medico-legal team representing ASTs facing investigation or disciplinary processes. When not working for us, he seems to spend an inordinate amount of time swimming, cycling and running; none of which can be terribly healthy.