The DHBs alert level framework
The DHBs alert level framework can be viewed here.
Why are some places still doing electives?
The DHBs have their own alert level system: green, yellow, orange and red. They are making a “risk assessment” as to what level they are in and therefore how much work they can do. It may seem contradictory that when in lockdown level 4 as a country, the DHBs can run elective operating and outpatients (and therefore people have to leave they homes to attend) however our system has accepted a balance between the two levels in order to get at least some of the “normal” work done.
Unfortunately this means less opportunity to pod roster, but even so and just in case we would encourage you to draft some pod rosters in case the situation changes.
The DHBs alert level framework can be viewed here so you can see what types of things they are taking into account in this regard.
The DHBs alert level framework can be viewed here so you can see what types of things they are taking into account in this regard.