148 Public Sector Psychologist Positions Unfilled Across the Country

Data released under the Official Information Act (OIA) shows there are 148 psychologist positions vacant across District Health Boards and the Ministry of Education nationally and not enough it being done to recruit and retain psychologists, says the APEX Union. 1

“The information we gathered through the OIA shows 20% of these public sector psychology positions are vacant nationwide and annual turnover of staff is as high as 60% in some regions. This information explains why so many New Zealanders cannot access the psychological care and support they need,” said Dr Deborah Powell, national secretary the APEX Union.

“Psychologists are a critical workforce in our public health and education sectors. In DHBs psychologists provide treatment for physical and mental health conditions and psychologists at the Ministry of Education work directly with children at risk of exclusion from school because of developmental or behavioral challenges. But neglect and austerity has eroded the workforce and our public services ability to improve the lives of New Zealanders is being degraded,” continued Dr Powell.

“Our members tell us the main reason they are leaving public sector roles is because of the Government pay freeze at a time of record cost of living increases. We are calling on the Government to engage directly with us on how we can secure investment to protect and preserve the health and education psychologist workforce,” concluded Dr Powell, national secretary of APEX.


Dr Deborah Powell, National Secretary
M: 021 614 040

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